Product documentation

02. Favendo AoA

AoA, short for Angle of Arrival, is a highly accurate method of indoor positioning using Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE). The technology is based on angle measurements and proprietary algorithms that have been optimized by the Finnish company Quuppa over the past 15 years.

Favendo is an official Quuppa partner and uses Quuppa technology for use cases that require high accuracy. You can achieve sub-meter accuracy over long distances with RTLS solutions based on BLE Angle of Arrival. This methodology is best suited for tracking in manufacturing, logisticsand, warehousing and supply chain management. As a result, with BLE AoA you get reliable centimeter-precise location data in real time – even in the most challenging (industrial) environments.

Indoor tracking with Bluetooth Angle of Arrival is extremely versatile. Fortunately, it is based on Bluetooth Low Energy, an international and established wireless standard. This allows you to choose from a range of tags, sensors, mobile devices, barcode scanners or other hardware. Thanks to an open API, you are also very flexible when it comes to the integration of your RTLS solution into existing systems.

In this section you will find information about the hardware and network components and requirements of a Favendo AoA solution.