Product documentation


The live tracking results can be delivered through AMQP or MQTT.

We suggest to use AMQP for backend to backend integration and MQTT for client (mobile app, webapp) integration.

  • AMQP
    • All results are delivered via AMQP as an event stream.
    • Credentials will be provided by Favendo.
    • For each output type, 5 queues will be provided.
    • Intervals are configurable, but in the default configuration one can expect:
      • TrackerHeartbeat: one message per tracker every 5 minutes.
      • BeaconBattery: one message per beacon every 1 hour.
      • TrackingResult: one message per beacon every 2 seconds.
  • MQTT

    • All results are delivered via MQTT as an event stream.
    • User credential will be provided by Favendo.
    • In order to connect to the MQTT broker, the user needs to authenticate and fetch the mqtt credentials first (see bellow)
    • All output types will be delivered with different topics:
      • TrackerHeartbeat: one message per tracker every 5 minutes: f/z/e/*/fav/tracker-heartbeat/
      • BeaconBattery: one message per beacon every 1 hour: f/z/e/*/fav/beacon-battery/
      • TrackingResult: one message per beacon every 2 seconds: f/z/e/*/fav/tracking-result/

02. Examples

02.01. TrackingResult example

	"type": "Feature",
	"id": "ib/20635f00-0041-0041-20635f00c900/0/0",
	"trackingResultSource": "GPS",
	"levelNumber": 0,
	"properties": {
		"level_id": "0",
		"favendo:assigned_asset": {
			"name": "Mary-41",
			"externalId": "Mary-41",
			"customProperties": {
				"custProp": "custProp"
		"favendo:tracking": true,
		"favendo:geofence_ids": [],
		"timestamp": "2022-07-13T15:03:10.198Z"
	"geometry": {
		"type": "Point",
		"coordinates": [

02.02. BeaconBattery example

	"id": "ib/0c05b9ce-057f-4a0d-8a37-e17125f1c37f/1/2",
	"timestamp": "2020-09-17T14:38:46.732Z",
	"milliVolts": 3021

02.03. TrackerHeartbeat example

	"id": "fad0cafefad0babe",
	"timestamp": "2020-09-17T14:38:46.732Z",
	"model": "ed0",
	"firmwareVersion": ""

03. MQTT integration flow

03.01. The client authenticates and retrieves the authentication token and MQTT credentials (1),(2),(3)

  • Endpoint path: /authentication/user 
  • Method: POST 
  • Parameters: Credentials provided by Favendo as Basic authentication

Output example:

    "username": "username", 
    "authToken": "AUTH_TOKEN", 
    "roles": [ 
    "mqttUser": "MQTT_USER", 
    "mqttKey": "MQTT_KEY" 

03.02. The client fetches the available venues (4),(5)

  • Endpoint path: /backspin-backend/zircon/api/v1/user-profile/venues/
  • Method: GET 
  • Parameters: Token authentication as bearer token

Output example:

        "scopeId": "SCOPE_ID_1", 
        "venueName": "Venue name" 
        "scopeId": "SCOPE_ID_2", 
        "venueName": "Venue name 2" 

03.03. The user selects a venue and fetches the venue available levels (6),(7),(8)

  • Endpoint path: /backspin-backend/zircon/api/v1/floorplans/SCOPE_ID_1/levels 
  • Method: GET 
  • Parameters: SCOPE_ID retrieved in the previous endpoint

Output example:

        "levelName": "Level 0", 
        "levelNumber": LEVEL_NUMBER, 
        "levelId": "LEVEL_ID" 
        "levelName": "Level 1", 
        "levelNumber": LEVEL_NUMBER, 
        "levelId": "LEVEL_ID" 

03.04. The user build the mqtt topic and connects to the tracking result stream (9),(10)

  • Tracking result topic : f/z/e/fav/tracking-result/*SCOPE_ID_1/LEVEL_NUMBER/* 
  • MQTT username: MQTT_USER
  • MQTT password: MQTT_KEY