Product documentation

01. Using variables

The following variables can be used in the routines to retrieve specific informations about tags, assets, geofences, events, …

{{trackableId}}This is what Favendo calls tag ID. The ID of the trackable device.
{{geofenceId}}The name of the zone, in which the tag/asset is.
{{eventType}}The type of event as described in 02. Events
{{name}}The name of the asset.
or {{assignedAsset.customAttributes.XXXXXX.YY}}
The value of the custom attribute named “XXXXXX” of the asset assigned to the trackable device where:

  • “YY” is the language for localized custom attributes (only for the custom attribute types ATTRIBUTE_WITH_SINGLE_CHOICE and ATTRIBUTE_WITH_MULTIPLE_CHOICE). It can be for example “de” or “en” as defined in 03. Custom Attributes