Product documentation

03. Add a new asset

1Main viewForm page for adding a new asset and assign it to a trackable device (tag).
2Search barSearch by asset name or by tag ID.
3Back buttonClick this button to return to the list of your assets.
4MenuFrom here, you can select a location, choose a language, or log out.
5Batch importIf you already have a list of assets and tag IDs, you can add them all at once by clicking this link.
6Standard form fieldsFill out these fields to add a new asset.
Click the checkbox above the form fields to add multiple assets in a row.
Note that the asset name and tag ID are required.
7Custom form fieldsIn addition to the default fields/asset attributes, it is possible to append custom attributes to the assets.
As it’s name implies, a custom attribute can be customized by the customer.
It is defined and set up when deploying the tracking project.
Depending on their definition, they can be single choice, multiple choice, boolean, text or date options and can be mandatory or not.
See the corresponding documentation for more information about the custom attributes.