Product documentation

01. Text

This custom attribute type is meant to append any text atribute to the asset. Like for example an idea, a name, a description, …

FieldDescriptionPossible values
typeThe type of the custom attributeATTRIBUTE_WITH_TEXT
rootVenueScopeIdThe ID of the root venueA specific integer
nameThe name of the custom attributeAny text (has to be unique)

For example:

  • “ID”
  • “Name”
  • “Order number”
descriptionThe description of the custom attribute Any text

For example:

  • “This describes the ID of the assets.
  • “This describes the name of the next, for example “Pallet 245” or “Forklift 42”
  • “This describes the Order number of the assets.”
mandatoryIf the custom attribute is required for the assigned assets True or false.

If the custom attribute is mandatory, every assigned asset will have to have a value for this custom attribute.

defaultValueIf no value has been specified, and the defaultValue is not empty, then the assigned asset will  have the default value for this custom attribute.This depends on the possible values.
attributeOrderThis define the order of the custom attributes in the Tagger asset creation as well as in the Viewer filters for example.
In addition to that, if two different custom attributes have styles applied, then the first one in the attributeOrder (lowest value) will be shown by default in the Viewer.
Any integer
localizedAttributeValueThis is an array containing an object per available language with the label and the value of the custom attribute which will be used for the rendering in the Favendo Modular RTLS Suite (Viewer, Tagger, Robot, …). [ { “language”: “en”, “label”: “Tag type” }, { “language”: “de”, “label”: “Tag-Typ” } ]