Product documentation

01. Default attributes

In Favendo’s ecosystem, all assets are by default defined by the following attributes:

1Asset nameThe name of the asset as a combination of letters and digits“Forklift 124”, “DHE73F2FHD3D”
2trackableIdThe ID of the trackable device attached to it. Its format depends on the tracking technology used.
Favendo: ib/<<UUID>>/<<major>>/<<minor>>“ib/d0c49bef-b23a-4565-bc53-b2bc9d4c8b4f/50111/413”
Quuppa: a combination of 12 digits and characters“a4da22e174bf”, “ca0400069993”, “e0003bb50000”, …)
Actility: a computed ID formated as a UUID“20635f01-005a-005a-20635f01e100”