Product documentation

08. Customization

For a given installation, some variables can be set to customize the Viewer.

If you want to change the value of certain variables, please contact the Favendo team, as they will have to change it in the backend.


VariablePossible valuesDefaultExplanation
RA_SHOW_GEOJSON_LABEL=falsetrue/false falseIf set to true, the fixed zone labels in the middle of the zones will be shown at a certain zoom level.
If set to false, the fixed zone labels won’t be displayed at all.
In either case, you will see a floating zone label when you hover over the zones.
RA_SHOW_STATUS_TABLEtrue/falsetrueIf set to true, the table will be activated and accessible through the “TO THE LIST” button.
RA_THROTTLE_INTERVALAn integer in ms, for example 500500 msThe map update rate.
This is the maximum rate at which the positions of the markers are updated on the map.
Note that the update rate of the positions in the viewer depends not only on the environment variable, but also on the update rate of your tracking system.
The lower of the two will be what you see in the viewer.
RA_USE_CLUSTERStrue/falsetrueWhen set to true, markers on the map that are close to each other are grouped into a cluster. cluster-screenshot
RA_TABLE_HIDDEN_COLUMNSComma-separated stringsnullTo hide specific table columns, specify a comma-separated list of column names.
RA_ASSET_EVENT_BTN_TEXT_KEYOnly two values are possible: “dematch” or “ping_tag”nullHover text label when the optional button at the end of the Viewer table is activated.
RA_ASSET_EVENT_BTN_ICONAny icon from the MUI icon library.
For example: “WbTwilight”
nullThe icon of the option button at the end of the Viewer table if activated
RA_MATCH_KEY_FOR_PING_ASSETOnly one value is possible:
nullThis is the matchkey Favendo’s event manager is listening to.